Literature And Education Project

Espace Madiba
A library specialized in African and Caribbean literature. Espace Madiba is part of the project “LITTAFCAR”’ developed by four partners, Ishyo Arts Centre (Rwanda), Fokal (Haiti), Artisttik (Benin) and CEC (Belgium). With more than 6000 books in French, English and Kinyarwanda, Espace Madiba has 2 sections: a child and an adults sections. The activities of the Espace Madiba includes Book cafés with African and Caribbean authors, Creative writing workshops, book launches reading sessions, debates. Ishyo is part of “SOM Rwanda reads”, a platform which brings together 40 local and international organizations involved in the development of the reading culture in Rwanda
Une bibliothèque mobile de 15 mètres de long transportant des milliers de livres et voyageant à travers le pays avec à son bord des bibliothécaires et des conteurs professionnels. En donnant vie à ces histoires et en musique, ils créent un monde vivant où les jeunes et les adultes peuvent explorer et nourrir leur imagination.